That’s it, your project is launched. Cheers !
You have reached the crucial stage of creating your professional website. But you don’t know how to go about it? We explain everything to you!
You have understood how much the website can be a valuable tool for your brand , to make you visible , make yourself known and enhance your know-how. Whatever the size of your business, whether you are located in Cahors or elsewhere , whether you have a physical store or not, the website is your best ally and opens you up to new horizons.
It is a real communication tool that allows you to highlight your achievements, your team or your expertise.
Ready to get started, but don’t know where to start? In this article, we give you advice and we explain the procedure to follow to create your website.
Discover here, our steps to create your website.
10 tips for building a professional website
Before you start: do you know why you want to create your website? To find out more, we invite you to read our article: Why create a website?
For your website to meet your expectations, it is essential to establish a strategy upstream. By asking different questions.
Your goals:
What is the objective of your website? What specific goals do you want to achieve with it? What type of site do you want: a showcase site, an e-commerce site?
Your target:
Who is your site for? Once your target has been identified, it is necessary to identify its needs , to satisfy them more easily. It will then be easier for you to create your site.
Your domain name:
You must choose your domain name carefully, since it is from this name that your targets will search for you. What is the domain name you want to have?
We advise you to choose a domain name adapted to your project (name of the project, of your company, of your association). It should be easy to spell, not too long or too complex.
1. Get inspired to give you ideas for your website
The inspiration phase is essential. It makes new ideas emerge in you , and allows you to project yourself at a minimum.
Look at what is being done elsewhere to give you ideas, to inspire you , to spot good ideas, but also to identify the things you like and the things you don’t like.
Look at the layout, menus, visuals, forms, content, structure, highlighted elements. In short, leave nothing to chance.
Being inspired by others allows you to list the elements and features you want to integrate into your website and therefore not forget anything.
This phase of inspiration, research allows you to give birth to the first ideas to design your website.
2. List the content to form the architecture of your website
Here, it is a question of listing all the elements that you want to put in your website.
Ask yourself: what are the essential pages of your site? How are they related to each other?
Simplicity is the key! Remember that your site must be intuitive and that the accessibility to information must be facilitated. The navigation must be fluid and for this keep in mind the following rule: no more than 3 clicks. The Internet user must access the targeted page by following a maximum of 3 links.
As you will have understood, the content must be easily accessible. If you multiply the clicks, you multiply the chances of losing your target, who will be happy to go see your competitor.
Here you must create a “site map” by identifying the different pages and the respective content that you want to integrate into it.
Let’s take an example, for your home page, you want it to include:
- A header
- Your flagship products
- Your latest news
- An Instagram comeback
- A footer
To project yourself visually, you can outline your different pages by hand or use online tools to facilitate your projection.
3. Develop the visual identity of your website
Your website must be in line with your brand identity, your values, your way of seeing things.
Calling on a communication agency with a web specialization is to ensure that you have a website that looks professional and credible.
She will create a site in your image, coherent, professional, differentiating, in the colors of your brand. She will bring you an outside, expert look and a communicative vision to offer you the solution best suited to your needs.
A few tips for your web visual identity:
- Do not combine too many colors
- Do not use too many fonts. You can use two of them to distinguish titles and contents.
4. Create wireframes for each page
The visual identity being realized. Let’s go for the creation of the pages!
You have previously listed the contents. It is now time to plan their layout. Provide space for the texts, for the visuals, for the titles in order to facilitate the projection as much as possible.
5. Write the content of your website
Keep in mind that you have to hold your reader in suspense , you have to arouse their curiosity, and hold their attention . You must make him want to browse the different pages of your site, but also make him want to trust you and not someone else.
You need to offer your readers organized content and smooth reading regardless of the medium used.
Be professional in your words! It’s time to show your expertise , your added value , your differentiating elements . Be careful to use terms understandable by everyone, otherwise you risk losing your visitors with your expert and too pointed “jargon”.
Professional and convincing! Yes yes. Beyond being a communication tool, the website is a channel for acquiring contacts or sales. So be convincing in your words.
Ventilate your content by highlighting titles and subtitles and highlight important keywords using fat, for example.
6. Include visuals
Illustrate your remarks with visuals, pictograms, diagrams, videos, or even graphic creations. The media bring dynamism, relief and make your site more attractive.
The visitor’s eye instinctively focuses on the visual elements and it is these elements that will likely have the strongest impact on memory . You will therefore be more easily remembered and remembered.
We will never tell you enough “a picture is worth a thousand words”. And yes. Your message, your values, your strengths are sometimes better conveyed with an image rather than text.
You can imagine that you shouldn’t add visuals just to add visuals. The media you wish to integrate must be related to your activity: presentation of the team, achievements, equipment or materials used.
Needless to say, but we’ll do it anyway. Your photos must be of high quality. They will play an important role in your professional credibility. So bet on quality!
We therefore advise you to select a few photos that seem important and relevant to you and identify the pages on which you want them to appear.
A word of advice: make sure to optimize the weight , size , title and alternative tags of your media. Media that is too heavy impacts the loading time of your site and you risk losing visitors.
7. Get down to designing the website with web design
This is probably the moment you’ve been waiting for: conception.
It only happens now, of course, but it is essential to carry out this preparatory work upstream, to facilitate the design.
It is web design that allows you to define the shape that your site will have. So it’s time to create this mockup:
- By integrating your style: selected fonts, colors of your brand identity, and backgrounds.
- By bringing dynamism: transitions, rollovers, graphic elements that move.
- By adapting your site for different types of screens. This step allows you to make your website responsive.
The design of the site allows you to project yourself fully by optimizing your project for your visitors with the user interface (UI) and the user experience (UX).
To help you in this crucial step, which is the realization of the model of your website, nothing better than to be accompanied by experts, and in particular by a communication agency which will design a professional website for you , consistent with your brand image and above all who you like (and that’s the most important thing).
8. Think natural referencing (SEO)
Natural referencing: the Holy Grail.
To optimize your referencing, it is imperative that you insert relevant keywords in your text content that are consistent with your field of activity. The keywords, you can integrate them in the titles and subtitles , but also in the “alt” tags of your media.
Write quality content and in an expert position to bring real added value to your readers.
But the SEO doesn’t stop there. The links are all important. First of all, you have the internal linking which plays an essential role, but also the external links which are extremely important for your SEO.
For this step, you can seek advice from a communication agency that can help you reformulate your text and media content to optimize your SEO (natural referencing).
9. Test your professional website
Does it seem endless to you? A few more efforts, it’s almost over!
Testing your site: a step not to be taken lightly.
Testing allows you to see that everything is working correctly, including links, rollovers, “call-to-action”.
This is the time to show your baby (your site, you will have understood) to outsiders to get fresh eyes and to collect browsing experience feedback and also avoid “mistakes”.
It is not a question here of listing the “likes” and the “dislikes”, but rather of taking into account the relevant opinions which may possibly allow you to improve your design and correct small errors. .
10. Launch your website!
One last tip for the road!
Before launching your site, different things must be optimized:
- Charging time should be short
- Responsive design with adaptation to different screens
- The security of your site’s data
Also Read : My Website Does Not Work, What Can I Do?