In order for the learning experience to be effective, the training itinerary must be designed thinking that it is motivating, inspiring and different . To create the content they are used and unified in one: the design and the contents to learn .
In this article we are going to show you the steps to take to design the e-learning training itinerary , we are also going to explain what it is exactly and we will give you some ideas to make the content different.
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What is a training itinerary?
A training itinerary is defined as the set of actions and training contents that are presented throughout a course for the development of specific skills . Thanks to these actions that the student or worker follows, they are acquiring training that will help them improve their skills in the long term.
By having well-designed content, it is possible for the professionals who carry out the training to see it as a continuous activity for their professional growth. A training itinerary can be organized according to three criteria:
- The level of experience and knowledge that the course participants have.
- The duration it should have.
- The topic that you want to teach.
When we think of a training itinerary for e-learning, we must not forget that it is a different method of learning. It is online training, which implies a lot of flexibility, constantly updating content, continuous communication and it is very easy to learn.
The design of a training itinerary for e-learning
When a company decides to carry out a training course through e-learning, it must think carefully about how to get its workers to be interested and able to do it . So that everything goes well, we are going to give you 5 tips that you should keep in mind:
- The first advice is to establish the objectives that you want to achieve. The normal thing is that this type of plans arises from a need of the company for its workers to learn something. The objectives must be in accordance with the training resources and the needs of the company.
- Use achievement indicators to motivate the worker. An achievement indicator is used to assess whether the planned objectives are being achieved. It is a way to add objectivity and clarity to the course evaluation process, so the teacher will see if the participants are following the right path.
- Choose appropriate themes. You must have a coherent line of learning, with topics that really contribute something to the worker.
- The duration of the course must be coherent. A worker must be able to combine his work life and his private life with the course. We recommend that it should not be too long, nor imply that you spend too much time if you can’t. In this way, the worker will also be motivated to achieve his own training.
- The last piece of advice is that there should be a feedback section . If the workers need to ask something or the teacher needs to correct what they are doing, there must be a chat or portals to talk about it.
In short, at the end of the course the worker has to know what he has learned, he must also be able to apply the knowledge and carry it out.
Keys for a perfect training itinerary
So that the design of the training plan for your company is even more concrete, we are going to propose some keys that can help you to plan your course. Are here!
- Encourage teamwork through the course . Teamwork is something very important in a company, so you can take advantage of the training to create activities that involve it.
- Combine training with new responsibilities . If you see that your worker is improving and meeting the objectives, you can give him new responsibilities to test him.
- Do not forget that everything must be flexible for the worker . It is important that the worker can organize himself as he considers. They cannot be continuously monitored by the teacher or by the direction that is carrying it out.
- We recommend evaluating the worker three times . Once at the beginning, to see his state at the beginning, during the learning process so that his evolution can be seen, and at the end, to find out everything he has learned.
- As a last piece of advice, we want to recommend that it is always favorable to involve some training in technology and languages . These are two topics that should always be present due to their importance and continuous evolution.
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