Mail under control
Email Management: Technological advances have been with us at work since its explosion in the late 1980s to make our daily routines easier and lessen the time we spend on them. However, it is true that some of them, such as managing the email that arrives in our inbox, drive more than one to despair due to the number of tasks that are presented.
Each person deals with an average of 122 professional email messages daily ( Jeroen Sangers. Time Effective’. 2016 ), and according to Juanmi Olivares, ‘coach’ of entrepreneurs to improve their productivity, 90% of us spend an average of 3 hours a day managing work-related emails and as many responding to personal emails.
Despite the ‘spam’ folder, which often receives essential messages that we should have seen, we receive others that fill our inbox and make it easy for us to find our ‘boss ‘ or that significant client we are waiting for. Despite tricks like little stars, pennants, and other types of colors depending on the mail manager we use, few are those who know other ways to manage our mailboxes.
Waste of time thanks to emails
And we lose time. A long time. Or we continually check the mail. Or we establish certain times to review it (for example, every hour, every half hour…). This last option is a bit risky in case something urgent arrives. Now, it is the one that almost all the experts recommend, such as not opening the email either first thing in the morning or late at night and not getting our clients used to responding to them immediately. But that is where our way of working comes in, the organization’s philosophy in which we collaborate or the sector in which we are dedicated.
In any case, we will try to shed light on these daily problems that we all have with some efficient solutions that will allow us to manage our mail and our time better.
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Solutions for Email Management
Choose sound notes based on the sender.
In the first place, there is the possibility of choosing a sound notification for some specific incoming emails. When we receive a message from that specific user, which we consider, due to its importance, that we must attend to urgently, we are ready to open it. And respond immediately.
Sort emails by folders
Almost any executive task is about discerning the priority or urgency from what is essential. Classifying unimportant emails into folders by subject and reading them later without losing them is an efficient task, especially for newsletters, reports, etc.
Do not use mail as chat or chain mail.
Time management experts also recommend keeping messages short and simple and not using email as a chat so that conversations drag on and never end.
Using templates
They also propose using templates since there are many times that the same response has to be sent to clients, for example. The same goes for distribution groups. You will avoid typing multiple addresses over and over again and with it the risk of getting confused.
Use mobile apps
In addition to all these tips that usually work, different mobile apps have become widespread in recent years to help manage your mail. The best known are Inbox, Newton Mail or VMWare Boxer. Computer tools such as Gorgias or Boomerang have also been developed.
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