Following the various actions carried out on the digitalization of the customer relationship, several indicators can be evaluated to gauge the effectiveness of the actions you have put in place.
Indicators to remember
Customer satisfaction:
Customer satisfaction is an indicator that assesses a customer’s level of satisfaction with the company, product, service or process offered. Customer satisfaction can be assessed by the customer in different forms:
- A mark out of 10,
- A number of stars,
- A scale of smileys
Choose the scale you want, but keep in mind that it should be simple and understandable to everyone.
Recommendation to those around you:
The recommendation to those around you is a satisfaction indicator that lets you know if your customers are ready to talk about the company to those around them. According to Les Echos, “more than 1 in 3 people buy a product or service following a personal recommendation”. The recommendation has a real interest and role in the passage to the purchase, the customer already has a positive attitude towards a product or a brand!
Indicators to remember
The degree of effort
Directly linked to the customer journey, this new indicator consists of measuring the “degree of effort” made by customers to meet their initial expectations. Indeed, the less the customer will make efforts, the more he will be loyal to the company! Simplify the journey and the efforts: you will be more profitable.
How to know these different indicators?
Satisfaction surveys
Satisfaction surveys are a way to collect information from your customers in order to assess and ensure customer satisfaction.
To collect these different data, you must define a structure:
- The topic of the survey : satisfaction with product X or Y, survey following an event, etc.,
- The sample : all the people you want to interview,
- The distribution channel : telephone, e-mail, interview, mail, etc.
- The period : the time interval during which you will conduct your survey,
- The type of questions (open questions, closed questions, leading questions, free questions, etc.).
In general, satisfaction surveys are carried out following a purchase or contact with the brand.
The mystery shopper
Mystery shopper is a marketing technique that allows you to control the quality of a particular process (reception, service, after-sales service, etc.) of a company.
The mystery shopper consists of sending an “investigator” to examine a service, contact customer service or visit a point of sale. The goal is to evaluate the company objectively and discreetly in order to identify areas for improvement.
Active listening on social networks
In English, “social listening”, active listening on social networks is the principle of listening to the customer’s voice via interactions on different platforms (forums, website, blog, networks, etc.). The objective of active listening is above all to improve the customer experience.
These indicators are often used. However, it is important to select the indicators that suit you best (depending on your context or your needs). Define your objectives precisely to avoid any misinterpretation that could undermine your strategy…
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