Digital transformation offers enormous potential to gain competitiveness in an increasingly technological world. This is demonstrated by a study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , which states that more technological companies are more profitable and have more satisfied customers.
Digital transformation can be defined as the integration of new technologies in all areas of a company to change the way it works. The goal is to optimize processes, improve their competitiveness and offer new added value to their customers.
Now the question would be where to start?
Interactive delivery notes
The first point to consider would be the reduction of the use of paper . Since working with delivery notes in digital format will help make the documents more accessible and interactive to make any changes at the moment without waiting.
This is very interesting for those merchandise that have arrived incomplete or a product that we receive broken or in poor condition. In this case, the carrier itself can make an online modification of the delivery note, where the client can validate it with a digital signature, and the information will arrive instantly at the corresponding department.
Therefore, with this we achieve that no process slows down and everything can continue at its usual pace.
Invoices stored in a document manager
One of the best options for working with invoices and delivery notes is to have a document manager.
You will be able to have all the documentation grouped by clients, thus generating a documentation history, to improve the client’s experience by being able to offer and send the documentation that they need at the moment.
Tickets or bills of expenses for commercials
Now to manage your employees‘ expense receipts, they will only have to take a picture with their mobile phone of the receipt they want to register and then they can throw it away.
It is a Software approved by the AEAT, which converts the image information into text. This data is automatically recorded in a program, where the financier or the person responsible for expenses will be able to process the information in a digital and more agile way.
Human Resources
From the electronic forms, the information of the new employees will be managed so that the hiring documents are completed correctly. Therefore, new employees no longer fill out multiple paper forms with repeated information. Thanks to electronic forms, each department can capture all the required data in advance, at once. Thus, other incorporation documents are completed, such as tax forms, benefits and others.
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