Offboarding , In all companies there are times when, for one reason or another, a worker leaves the company . Knowing how to manage this situation is essential for the well-being of the team, but also of the organization. We tell you how to do it effectively.
What is offboarding?
In a company, offboarding is the process by which a worker ceases to be linked to it , as well as the actions that the organization carries out during their departure.
This process is made up of various stages that the company must go through so that the separation of the employee has the least possible impact on the functioning of the organization and on the teams.
What stages does an offboarding process have?
The departure of a worker from an organization can be a traumatic event. Therefore, the ideal is to organize everything so that the end of the relationship between company and employee occurs smoothly. To do this, it is important to perform the following steps :
1. Organize the output
The first thing to do is plan all the actions that are going to be carried out to satisfactorily execute the exit of the worker. Here you must take into account aspects such as the way in which the dismissal is going to be communicated or how you are going to act in the event of a resignation, how the news is going to be passed on to the rest of the team, when the termination of the contract is going to be signed, what will happen to the passwords and access to tools or how the transfer of tasks and information will be carried out.
2. Report the dismissal
If the company has decided to lay off any of the employees, this decision must be communicated to the affected person in a clear and assertive manner, explaining the reasons that have led to this situation. Furthermore, it is desirable that this information be reported in person, rather than by email or other more impersonal means.
3. Manage documentation
Once you have planned the route sheet, it is important that the worker who has been fired or who has decided to resign their job covers and signs all the necessary documents to be able to execute the exit in a legal and satisfactory manner. Although this step may not be pleasant, it is absolutely necessary to avoid possible future conflicts.
4. Inform the rest of the team
When the departure of the worker from the company is irreversible, it is necessary to notify his colleagues. This is a delicate moment for everyone, especially when the person has been fired, and therefore it is advisable to communicate it clearly and directly. In case of dismissal, it is also advisable to explain, as far as possible, the underlying reasons, since otherwise, it is likely to cause unrest among the employees.
5. Carry out the transfer of information
When an employee leaves an organization, it is necessary that they transfer to the indicated people all the documentation and responsibilities that they handle in their job, and that they inform them of all the details that may be relevant so that they can go on to carry out their tasks.
6. Exit interview
Before the worker permanently leaves the organization, the company can take the opportunity to hold a final meeting with that person to obtain valuable feedback. Likewise, the person who leaves can also use this interview to receive information about her performance if she wishes.
As we have told you, it is important to be clear about the stages that make up the offboarding process and to carry them out correctly so that the worker leaves the company as smoothly as possible.
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