Interview Marketing: 10 Tips For More Success

Interview Marketing, Not so long ago, the job interview was often a very stiff affair. This has changed fundamentally in many areas today. In online marketing professions in particular , customs have become somewhat more relaxed. Especially in job interview marketing, the Skype job interview is no longer an exception, the strict dress code has been relaxed and in many larger companies the selection through the assessment center has long since taken the place of job interviews.

At the same time, more and more companies, especially in the online industry, are desperately looking for skilled workers. Online Marketing Managers  are wanted everywhere. This development, the shortage of skilled workers and the casual style of clothing and manners have led to a major misjudgment by many applicants. In any case, it would only depend on one’s own skills to get a job. But this assumption is fatal. Because you can still make a lot of mistakes in a job interview and thus lose your chance of getting the job. These tips make it easy to present yourself perfectly at the interview.

1. Good preparation is half the battle!

Anyone who manages to get in touch with the company’s human resources manager when applying has already achieved a lot. The company is at least not uninterested. The interest should be mutual. If you are invited to an interview, you should do your research well in advance. The internet makes it easy. However, it’s not a good idea to limit your research to just the company’s web presence. Other information from social networks, especially XING and Facebook, can be of great value if you manage to show the person you are talking to that you are really interested in the company and have informed them.

2. Standard Questions – Don’t give standard answers!

In every job interview there are questions that are asked of every applicant. In the extensive guidance literature on this topic you will be presented in detail and good answers will be suggested. But it is often not enough to have a good answer ready. The personnel managers are also familiar with the literature and the boring answers of the applicants. You can score with a very good, individual answer. An answer is particularly good if you let your personality and esprit flow into it. For example, it is a good way to convince the interviewer if you answer the question about career prospects with a short and exciting story answer how you might have seen the world as a child and what dreams you had back then.

3. Ask questions!

With good preparation, you can ask very specific questions about the company in the interview. Questions about products, services, customers and procedures that suggest in-depth knowledge of the subject are particularly suitable. With this you can not only impress your interlocutors. At the same time, you prevent the conversation from only being about you personally. Take notes! This also underscores your interest.

4. Punctuality and courtesy – not yesterday’s virtues!

Of course, the applicant should show up for the interview on time and be polite. This does not only apply to the interview itself. After all, the employees at reception or people you meet in the elevator on the way to the interview room could also be sitting across from you in a few minutes during the job interview. Some bosses already observe the applicants when the applicants are still on the street. As an applicant, you would do well to ensure good behavior on the way to the company.

5. The dress code

Before each job interview, you should definitely find out what the dress code is. Banks and insurance companies still attach great importance to suits with ties for men and suits, pantsuits or dresses for women. But the more youthful the company is, the more casual it can be at the job interview. Marketing agencies and Internet companies also do not attach particular importance to strict dress codes today. But one rule always applies. It has to be neat and clean. Shoes should be shined, clothes ironed and fingernails clean. Even if it weren’t a problem in a modern, young company to show up for an interview in a t-shirt – coffee stains should never be on the t-shirt.

6. A question of attitude – the body language!

A slack posture during the interview is a common reason why applicants are rejected. Likewise, crossed arms, lack of eye contact, and fidgeting all prevent you from making a good impression. This is especially true in an almost literal sense when the handshake is very slack. A firm handshake, on the other hand, expresses self-confidence and a zest for action. Sit still, upright and confident! Do not shut yourself off from your conversation partners by crossing your arms and make eye contact as often as possible.

7. No false modesty

It’s almost a natural reflex: Intimidated by the situation in the interview, many applicants turn down the offer of coffee or other drinks. But false modesty is in place here. After all, you want something from the company – a job. Therefore, if you are first offered a coffee, accept it. Last but not least, this in turn signals self-confidence.

8. Gaps in your CV? Honesty is trump!

A trip around the world or a few months to unwind? Almost everyone has short or long gaps in their CV, an unbroken professional history is the rare exception today. You don’t need to be ashamed of yourself, even if you’re sitting across from the potential employer in an interview. Honesty pays off, explain why there are gaps and deviations from the seemingly normal path. You don’t necessarily have to hide your weaknesses. It can leave a very positive impression when you acknowledge your mistakes or your individual path in life and make it clear that you know how to deal with them.

9. You want the job – talk about the money confidently!

Salary negotiations are often one of the most difficult parts of the job interview. It is only too understandable that many applicants only ask for a low salary in order not to scare off the employer. But remember that with the salary expectations you also formulate an idea of ​​what your work is worth. What should the employer think if you ask for little money of your own accord? Good research on the Internet, among colleagues, as well as professional associations and unions will help you to demand a reasonable salary and to justify this demand to your future employer.

10. Present yourself as a human being!

Many modern companies no longer want employees who only work. Of course, it is still expected that the employees are qualified and perform well. However, in modern corporate management, the idea that individual employees are characterized by more than their professional competence is becoming more and more widespread. So use the interview to talk about your interests outside of your job. Perhaps you have an unusual hobby or are you a volunteer? Then let it flow. You will quickly see that this allows you to score points in the parts of the conversation that are not about the job at all.

In fact, many of the tips and recommendations above can be reduced to a common denominator: you have to convince the person you are talking to as a person. The professional competence is evident from the certificates. You don’t need to prove that. You have to show that you will be a likable and reliable employee who will contribute to the company with interest and commitment. Everything is allowed that brings you closer to this goal.

Also Read : The Most Important Online Marketing Metrics


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