More and more areas of life have been taking place on the Internet, and not just since the beginning of the Corona crisis – after all, digitization is in full swing and does not stop at any industry. However, the outbreak of the pandemic reinforced the trend and suddenly forced small bookstores, clothing boutiques, craftsmen or healthcare providers such as naturopaths to rely on online presence, web advice and e-shops. If people need a product or are looking for a special service, they increasingly start their research on the Internet.
Therefore, a presence on the web should also be a matter of course for small and medium-sized companies these days. However, there are numerous providers for most products or services. Search engine marketing can be recommended for anyone who wants to quickly increase the visibility and reach of their own business,” says experts. “Since the self-employed and small companies often only have a small budget for advertising measures, the focus should be on the most important and most goal-oriented tasks in the areas of search engine advertising and optimization,” adds the online marketing specialists.
Attract potential customers to your website
Search engine marketing, in English Search Engine Marketing and abbreviated SEM, consists of the two sub-areas of search engine advertising and optimization – abbreviated SEA and SEO for the English terms Search Engine Advertising and Search Engine Optimization. By placing ads in search engines such as Google or Bing and optimizing your own website for the search engines, companies have the opportunity to achieve higher click rates and thus attract more potential customers to their own website. Keywords are the key to the effectiveness of both marketing tools. Keywords that match the company and the services offered are the central factor, since Internet users use them to search for specific topics and offers.
Many small businesses, start-ups or the self-employed often try to take care of as many areas of the company as possible themselves and, in addition to administration and ongoing operations, also take care of the website, SEA campaigns with Google Ads or Bing Ads and the search engine optimization of their own Internet presence. But they need support, especially at the beginning or in certain sub-areas – especially in the SEO area, extensive knowledge is required in order to quickly recognize unused potential or errors,” reports Karasek. Professional support can, for example, improve the quality factor in the ads account, reduce advertising wastage, optimize target group-relevant rankings and thus generate more leads and sales.
Efficiency also at a fixed price
In large online agencies, companies with smaller budgets often fall by the wayside and receive less attention. However, the key to successful search engine marketing does not lie in high advertising budgets, but in the professionalism of the campaign setup and an efficient advertising strategy. “First of all, it is important to determine the status quo for the respective customer, to analyze the market, to thoroughly research the activities of competitors and to develop a suitable and individual campaign strategy from this,” says experts and adds: “Search engine marketing should focus on innovative Tools and processes. For example, we work with in-house algorithms, which allows us to work efficiently and with high performance. Thanks to the well-organized and structured work processes, we are also able to avoid having to bill by the hour. We work at a fixed price so that customers always have an overview of what costs they can expect for search engine marketing.
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