CRM systems successfully support modern customer management in marketing, sales, and service. With CRM, companies increase the quality of every single customer contact. They communicate more precisely, faster, and more extensively with their customers and act more transparently. The CRM system bundles all interested parties, dealers, and customers in one place and connects them with inquiries, processes, and orders. Experience shows that a CRM system saves 30 to 60 minutes of working time per day per user.
In all of our projects, profitable and long-term customer relationships are the goals of introducing CRM. If you only think about the technology in your CRM project, you will not win any new customers in the end, and you will not retain any customers. Because loyalty is based on trust, and customer satisfaction comes from positive experiences. With every customer contact – from the newsletter to the service technician – the customers decide on your service quality. The sum of all positive and negative experiences makes the overall satisfaction end. That is why we report what our customers have achieved with CRM and do not list the providers known on the market when we, as independent CRM experts, are asked which system we recommend. Even if the projects are different, four really powerful reasons for CRM are always in the foreground.
Increase The Quality For Customers
When defining the goals, one of the most important questions is: How does a customer know that you have implemented CRM? A very difficult question, because the perspectives of the customers are often neglected! A customer notices the difference in many small things along his customer life cycle. So he gets a newsletter that is tailored to his needs. The sales representative is well informed: In the event of a complaint, they can identify the customer by their telephone number, know their products (machines), provide information on the phone about the guarantee, know the service history or know about the last maintenance.
There are many opportunities for improvement along the customer lifecycle. We see the greatest potential in business initiation and after-sales. Many companies reduce the customer relationship solely to order processing, but your direct competitor can write orders just as well. It is important to offer services beyond your product and value to customers—the sum of the added values z. B. Accessibility, ability to provide information, advice, service hotline, and professional competence make a big difference. With CRM, you increase this quality for the customer.
Strengthen Customer Contact
There are various contact options to draw customers’ attention to yourself and your services and to keep in touch. The orchestra is often not synchronized, whether at a trade fair, by letter, email, phone call, or visit.
Each type of contact has its characteristics. Email is perhaps the cheapest medium with which you can quickly reach a large number of addressees. At the same time, the customer visit is the most expensive type of contact with the highest intensity. Customers today expect a newsletter offer. The newsletter should be informative and not very advertising. For this, the editor needs content, a segmentation of his recipients, and a measurement system for readiness to read. Telephone calls are always undervalued in the composition of the communication mix. These are a quick, cheap, and effective form of communication to ask customers: “Did you get our catalog? May I invite you to the fair? When do you decide on the offer? Your machine needs maintenance next month!”. The field service often only follows the customer’s requests for visits. CRM is about providing quality support to A customers, identifying and developing new customers with potential, and quickly disseminating product trends. The account manager should always focus on their important customers. The necessary classifications and the frequency of visits can be determined with the appropriate CRM system at the touch of a button. In addition, success can be monitored. The necessary classifications and the frequency of visits can be determined with the appropriate CRM system at the touch of a button. In addition, success can be monitored. The necessary classifications and the frequency of visits can be determined with the appropriate CRM system at the touch of a button. In addition, success can be monitored.
There are many reasons for customer contact: from acquisition to support and recovery. You shouldn’t leave your customers alone. With CRM, you increase your customer contact rate – with concrete business opportunities.
Improve Your Communication
Various breaks in internal communication hinder many companies. Processes get stuck, are opaque, and are time-consuming because employees do not have the correct and complete information. Customers feel a lack of competence, whether consciously or unconsciously. Anyone who wants to improve their internal and external communication needs consistent and transparent processes. The processes describe the daily dealings with customers, and the CRM systems provide the technical basis for communication. Every employee receives the information they need for their job.
Many companies still live in a predominantly analog world today. Employees respond to calls in the form of stories, work with individual lists, and have a lot of gut instinct. To align companies with a modern CRM system, the internal communication processes have to be digitized. This has a far-reaching influence on the daily work of employees and managers. The abundance of paper that is established everywhere, the creeping communication via corridors, the extensive stock of Excel lists are brought together by a central system. Every employee receives the information they need with a click of the mouse. Searching for data is no longer necessary, as is printing and filing orders, maintaining Excel lists, and manual forwarding processes.
Increase Your Efficiency Noticeably
The greatest measurable benefit of CRM systems is a time saving of 10 to 20 percent in all of marketing and sales. Due to the technical support, many tasks are eliminated, or their effort is drastically reduced. Our customers describe the new processes as more structured, transparent, and efficient.
In the feedback discussions, they named the gain in efficiency as particularly noticeable. Those who use the time saved to increase their customer contact rate and actively approach customers receive a measurable benefit in more offers, a better completion rate, and thus more orders. Many of our customers grow with a constant workforce. The cost of introducing a CRM usually pays for itself in the first year after the go-live. With the noticeable efficiency, you gain an important competitive advantage.
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