Business Coaching, Today we find many working people who do not feel motivated in their jobs, leaders who do not know how to act as effective leaders for their teams and lack of efficiency in achieving collective goals. These deficits have a negative impact on the development of the company and its growth, causing its activity to stagnate and even causing the business to suffer losses. To put an end to these shortcomings and redirect the company towards success, business coaching is one of the most effective tools.
What is business coaching?
It is one of the instruments used by companies to improve their performance by paying attention to their human capital . This tool seeks to develop the skills of working people, make the best possible use of their skills and abilities, thus increasing their productivity. In addition, it also helps to achieve more cohesive and high-performance teams.
3 types of business coaching
Within business coaching there are three different forms of application depending on who they are aimed at:
1. Executive coaching
Executive coaching is aimed at senior management in companies and its goal is for these people to become true effective leaders and achieve their goals . After an initial evaluation of the executive’s qualities, the coach identifies his strengths and weaknesses and develops a plan to work on both those aspects to be improved and the strengths that must be strengthened.
2. Team coaching
Team coaching helps the members of a company’s work groups develop mutual trust, increase their productivity, feel more involved and accomplished, and achieve their goals . This type of coaching, which is usually carried out jointly, is used to achieve high-performance teams capable of safely facing challenges and achieving successful results.
3. Organizational coaching
Organizational coaching is intended to achieve efficiency in the results of companies, reaching their strategic objectives . Unlike executive and team coaching, organizational coaching works with the company as a whole to improve the relationship and coordination of the different departments and areas, identifying common goals that allow the business to function as a whole. In other words, it seeks to recognize a collective purpose capable of motivating the entire workforce and that all workers go in the same direction.
4 styles of business coaching
When it comes to business coaching, there are four styles that stand out for their effectiveness.
The choice of one style or another will be determined based on the needs of the company, the team or the individual being served.
1. Systemic coaching
This type of coaching places the individual as part of an ecosystem made up of the different areas that make up the company and seeks to highlight the interconnection that exists between all the workers and the departments . To this end, it is sought that workers become aware of how the actions they carry out have an impact on other areas of the system and become active and dynamic agents capable of contributing ideas and solutions.
2. Cognitive coaching
Cognitive coaching works, among other things, creativity, memory, perception and communication of individuals in order to enhance their skills . The intention of this style of business coaching is to train individuals and teams to face challenges and increase their performance towards the achievement of common goals.
3. Coaching based on emotional intelligence
This type of coaching aims to teach individuals to manage their emotions , this being a key aspect of personal well-being and, therefore, essential to having motivated workers. With this technique, the person is expected to be able to maintain a positive attitude, make decisions easily and handle difficult moments with confidence.
4. Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching
NLP coaching seeks to make individuals aware of what they do and how they do it in order to change their behavior patterns and be more decisive and effective . Through techniques that focus on the here and now, it is possible for working people to carry out actions that allow them to grow both personally and professionally.
How does business coaching benefit your company?
Business coaching will help your company achieve its objectives and develop in the right direction, increasing the chances of success both now and in the future . Allocating resources to training high-performance leaders, teams and organizations is an investment that will help improve the company culture, making it more efficient and profitable.
In addition to this key aspect, business coaching also provides other benefits to your company:
1. Improvement of the work environment
Hard-working people feel more confident in themselves as well as in the team and in the organization, so their level of motivation increases and the number of conflicts decreases.
2. Greater adaptation to change
By working on the skills of working people and fostering their creativity, flexibility and communication, they will be more prepared to face all kinds of changes quickly and efficiently
3. Talent development
Given that business coaching seeks to work directly with the individuals that make up a company to improve its performance, having specialists capable of detecting talent and promoting it will produce a considerable increase in business activity.
4. Leadership and team management
Working with the figure of a leader who understands and who knows how to lead his team with respect and trust will have an impact on improving the management of work times and will increase the productivity of the group and, in general, of the organization.
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