We at Tech Buzzard give our readers and visitors a fantastic opportunity to Write For Us – Technology, Business, Information Technology, Marketing, Digital Marketing, SEO, Technology trends, and many more. Technology Write For Us also helps to share your ideas and knowledge with everyone across the world in the form of a well-written article or guest post.
You can submit your valuable information in the form of articles and guest posts at techbuzzard09@gmail.com
Categories That You Can Choose For Write For Us
For Write For Us Technology, you can choose the below categories or topics.
Technology Write For Us – Artificial Intelligence, Latest Tech Trends in the market, Machine Learning Topics, AR and VR Topics, 5G networks, Automation, Big Data etc
Business Write For Us – Business Management, organization Management, Business Tools like CRM, ERP, SaaS, Finance, etc
Gadgets Write For Us – Latest Gadget Releases, Mobile phone technologies, Computer technologies, and other wearable devices and Product Review topics are accepted.
Marketing Write For Us – Digital Marketing, Online Marketing, Advertising, Business Marketing, etc.
Social Networks Write For Us – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and other social media topics will be accepted.
Cryptocurrency Write For Us – Bitcoin write for us, bitcoin mining, crypto trading, stock market, forex.
Advantages of Guest Post [Technology Write For Us]
Below are the advantages of doing Guest Posting.
- The guest author gets a backlink for his website.
- Technology Write For Us gives the link power, traffic, and thus more reach and other possible interested parties/customers simultaneously.
- Depending on the approach, both sides benefit from this in the long term and have an advantage in the short time.
- Especially with well-known websites and blogs, website owners can collect plus points because they receive a valuable link and increase the reach of their site.
Guidelines For Write For Us – Technology, Business, Marketing, Gadgets
Unique Content – You make sure that the content is unique, which means that it has not been published on another website. The content must be without grammatical mistakes, and the content should be at least 500 words.
Added Value For The Reader – The article should be valuable and informative. It is also essential to ensure that not too many topics are stuffed into one post. It would be better to have just one topic per post described in great detail. You are also welcome to go deeper into the subject.
Written Clearly And Factually – The entire text should also be written in easily understandable language, and it is important to ensure that you remain factual.
Images And Other Media – An image (feature image) must be present. You are welcome to add more that better illustrate the topic. If there are well-made videos, they can be added to the post.
At Least One or More Links – Sometimes, you write about studies or research results, which should be provided with a link. Exciting web content may also be linked at the appropriate point.
The Content Must Be Legally Secure – The guest post must be your intellectual property and must not infringe the rights of any third party. Sources must be cited for images and other media.
The UI of The Guest Article
- A meaningful title that also suits the contribution – not too long and not too short
- The meaningful division into sections
- At least two headings
- A summary, outlook, or conclusion on the topic is interesting – this should be found at the end of the article.
More Search Terms For Technology Write For Us.
Keyword “submit your content.”
Keyword “submit post.”
Keyword “submit an article”
Keyword “contributing writer.”
Keyword “guest post.”
Keyword “guest posting guidelines.”
Keyword “suggest a post.”
guest post + topic name
write for us + topic name
E-commerce write for us
small business write for us
startup write for us
Real estate write for us
Telecommunication Write For Us
IOT “write for us.”
business write for us
Machine Learning Write For Us
Data Science write for us
Virtual Reality Write For Us
Meta Write For Us
Cryptocurrency Write For Us
Write For Us Technology
Become an author at techbuzzard
Become a contributer
How To Submit The Guest Post
You can submit the written article in a google document or Microsoft word document to us at techbuzzard09@gmail.com
Our content team will review the article and if needed they will make small edits and changes [we will inform about them] and then they will send the guest post to the publishing team.
After the publishing team published the article we will share the live URL with You
For all advertising inquiries and guest posting queries, you can contact us at techbuzzard09@gmail.com